
2014 ... time to feel 10 out of 10!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

A new year has arrived, a time to start afresh.  So, this year, rather than looking in the mirror and being critical about yourself after the festive excesses, turn your critical eye to your wardrobe and rate each of the items in there on how they make you feel when you wear them.  

Everything in there should be a 10 out of 10, or at least a 9 out of 10.  No-one is going to feel good starting their day in an outfit that makes you feel 3 out of 10! 

So, if it's too tight, store it somewhere else until you're that size again.

If there's a button missing or the hem has come undone, drop it off with a local dressmaker. 

If you're keeping items because they have a sentimental value, but you are NEVER going to fit into them again, then store them elsewhere in your house.

If you bought something quite expensive but you just don't feel it's you, then pop it on ebay and use the money you make to buy something that you love.

If you are unsure about colours / styles that suit you, then make an appointment with an image consultant before you waste any more money on mistakes.  A £10 dress in the right colours & style for your body shape will look better than a £100 dress that doesn't flatter you!

This way, when you open your wardrobe during 2014, what is in there will make you feel happy & confident, even while you're losing that half a stone you put on over the holiday period.  

Hope 2014 is a healthy, happy year for you! 


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